Captains Log: "The Book of Eli."

What is there to say about a child who lives his life as an open book? There is nothing about him that anyone won't know after being around him for 30 minutes. I've considered even writing a mini-bio for to carry around with him so people can read it for themselves, saving him the time and energy of repeating it over and over and over. You meet him once, prepared to be friends for life.

He doesn't walk.
He runs.
He doesn't jump.
He leaps.
And he doesn't like.
He loves.
Loves a lot.

So suffice it to say, if I had to describe Eli in a single word that word would be "Intense". And that's what I love about him. As my first, he really puts me through the parenting gauntlet because everything he does and feels is the the nth degree. I joke that his intensity is genetic because he was born part-Viking because in addition to his over-the-top personality, physically he may look tall and lean but this kid is DENSE. 
Like, when-he-was-5mos-old-I-had-to-brace-myself-before-picking-him-up-dense

He also has intense aspirations.

He's just intense 97% of the time.

He is also quite the existentialist. A recent conversation of ours confirmed that.

E: "Mommy, why is the moon?"
M: "Why is the moon what?"
E: "Just why is it?"
M: "Why is it what, Elijah?"
(then gazing dramatically into the sky)
E: "Just why is the moon the moon. It hangs in the dark. But what does it feel?"
M: "It doesn't. It's the moon."
E: "I think you and I both know it does."
M: "Hows that, then?"
E: "Because...The Universe."
(exits room)

So, yeah. This would be a glimpse into my life with my first born. It's confusing, loud, and fun. There will be plenty more about him, as well as Benjamin, on our Journey. You might want to stay tuned for this guy.

Until next time,
Fair Winds.

-The Captain

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