Lifes Bounty

This is the part of our Journey where I can share the fun (and sometimes helpful)
parts of my life.

And I want you guys to return the favor! 
 Share your little tid bits of happenings that brighten up your day!

Take my yesterday for instance:


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Which is my over-dramatized way of saying that I need glasses.
Like, really need them.
To quote my optometrist after I confused the letter "G" for a square:
"Um...You drove here...that's not unsettling or anything."
But what does he know? Amirite? 

So after having my pupils dilated and attending my hair appointment with them looking like I just came back from partying with Scarface

I came home and tried out what my beautiful cousin, Kady, had told me about last week.
She directed me to Warby Parker for my eyeglasses.
And. This. Place. Is. Awesome.
They have a BEAUTIFUL selection of fashionable eyewear and they will send trial pairs in sets of 5 to you FOR FREE for 5 days. Totally free.
I ordered mine last week so they got here a few days ago but I got to play around with the cute frames and got to try them out for longer than what little time you have at your eye doctor.

Seriously, guys. I do not make good decisions under pressure, so asking me to decide on something that I have to wear on my face pretty much every day in a matter of a few minutes is sure to end in a fashion disaster.
But Warby Parker was designed for people like me. And budget friendly to boot!
All I had to do was submit my vision Rx and choose my frames and I will be able to fashionably see where I'm going from now on. 
(minus this face of course, I am not refined the the art of The Selfie.)

So if you're in the market for some eye-wear or even some snazzy sun shades...then go visit Warby Parker. 
Easily one of the best legitimate values that the internet has to offer those of us who often confuse letters with geometric shapes or who just want to express 
our inner Zooey Deschanel!

Fair Winds, Mateys!
-The Captain

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