About Captain Mommy: Part 2

I decided to design this blog, as you may have noticed from the tagline, as a tribute to 
Marriage and Motherhood.

I am a young wife and mother who only has a vague idea of what I'm doing.

I don't read Parenting Articles.

I don't believe in the new "politically correct" parenting.
(just to be clear, I completely respect those of you who do. It just isn't for me.)

I also don't buy into the stigma that just because you're a wife/mother and you love your children with every single fiber of your being 
(which I do) 
that you always have to enjoy it.
Parenting and Marriage are taxing work.

And as spouses, mothers and fathers...
ITS OKAY for us to accept that the wind leaves our sails from time to time and there is nothing damaging about doing so.

My life does not resemble a Pinterest pin board.

My kids don't always have moments like this.

Or this...

They're more or less along the lines of this,

and this.

I do not lead a "Pinterest-y" Life.

I can't bake to save my life.
I have no clever tips on how to keep a clean house.
My boys don't always looked like they rolled out of Baby GQ.
Cutesty-tootsy kid crafts (albeit complicated and expensive!) are beyond what little mental and physical energy that I have.
I don't have the resources to produce note-worthy birthday parties or the talent to 
re-purpose a cable-spool into a shabby-chic coffee table.

The truth is that a lot of parents out there probably fit into the same mold I'm in.
We spend our lives making the best out of what we have. 
As little or as much as it is. 

I want this page to be a safe place for us parents who get tired, angry, and just over it some days. 
And also emphasize the humor that our bumps in the road give us.
There have been some situations that I've experienced with my boys that have LITERALLY made me want to hide under a rock. 
I hope joining me on this Journey brings a comfort to your worries that you're not doing something right because I'm still learning
There is no right or wrong way.

As long as we continue to love our kids the to the best of our abilities...
then we're not doing too shabby after all. 

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